This is an Ad Free version of Days Until, A popular counting down app. Count down the days, hours and seconds until an event in your life. Counting down to a celebration, your wedding, a birth in your family or perhaps your retirement?
Just put a date of an event from the past into Days Until and it will count up from the event. Now you can work out how many days you have been married!
This easy to use app provides a fun way to mark off those days. Set your own date and check regularly to see how long you have left.
You can now share your countdowns with others on facebook, twitter and others. Just tap on your countdowns to get the option.
Notes: - This app countdowns to a specific time on a certain day. If that is midday tomorrow. Any time after midday today will mean there are zero days left and so many hours. This is probably why some people are thinking there is an off by one error on the days.
If you have spotted things being out by one hour it is probably daylight saving hours causing this difference.
Having said that if you have found a bug/error please email me and let me know. I really want to fix all bugs.